Intergenerational new houses | Perth Construction
Perth construction




Aging population combined with access to the property difficulties of young adults induced, currently, a higher demand of bigenerational dwellings, also called intergenerational houses.

Accommodating a same family members to live under one roof in separate units, the secret of their conviviality is based on each occupant’s intimacy and privacy respect.

While responding to functional needs and proximity to those with whom we share it, an intergenerational dwelling is also a saving source of money and time.

Construction services


Construction Perth has extensive expertise in intergenerational home construction and development. We can help you assess the ideal interior layout to make the future life of each of its occupants the most pleasant and enjoyable.

Whether you are looking for a functional house to take care of a family member living with reduced autonomy, or simply, provide access to an independent property for your young adult, Construction Perth offers houses models adapted to the life style you are looking for.

Intergenerational House


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Intergenerational House

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Intergenerational House

Mayté 3

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Your future bigenerational house planning construction secrets:

  1. Properly analyze and plan the functional needs of each future occupants.
  2. Make sure that interiors divisions as well as soundproofing respect your cohabitation.
  3. Adequately plan private and shared common spaces.
  4. Make sure that adequate accesses are in place and evaluate their restrictions.
  5. Not neglect that the look and style of your future home will, also, contribute to the sense of belonging of each of its occupants.

You are not completely charmed by the proposed house models?

Perth Construction can easily adapt for you a different house model such as the one you already have in your mind.

Our specialized team is at your disposal and will know how to provide you with solutions meeting perfectly your functional needs, while respecting your constraints and your budget.

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